The Bertrams are responsible for raising their own income and funds for ministry, including start-up expenses for Steam Engine Café. All donations through Ripe For Harvest are tax-deductible.
Would you consider becoming a financial partner in the work the Bertrams are doing in McDowell County? One-time donations are especially helpful right now as there are significant costs involved in getting the café up and running.
Click the button below to donate via credit card or bank transfer on Ripe For Harvest’s site.
Donations by check are also welcome. Checks can be made out and mailed to:
Ripe For Harvest
PO Box 62009
Colorado Springs CO 80962-2009
For all gifts sent by mail, please include a note with the following information:
- Your full name
- Your address
- Phone numbers (daytime and home phone)
- Your donor identification number (if known)
- The name and account number of the staff member you are supporting, i.e. Bertrams #20436

You may contact Ripe For Harvest for questions regarding donations and receipts,
480-373-9387 or
Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Ripe For Harvest has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
Ripe For Harvest is a 501c3 “non-profit” organization. Their federal tax number is: #20-2322235.